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Showing posts from July, 2009

New version of matplotlib out : 3D plotting!

The hard working folks at matplotlib have put out a new release candidate with interesting new features. Remember - its a release candidate. Not (yet) for production. Get it from Install using sudo easy_install ~/Downloads/matplotlib-0.99.0.rc1_r0-py2.5-macosx-10.5-i386.egg On mac you will hear complaints about Searching for matplotlib==0.99.0.rc1-r0 Reading Reading Reading Reading Reading Reading No local packages or download links found for matplotlib==0.99.0.rc1-r0 error: Could not find suitable distribution for Requirement.parse('matplotlib==0.99.0.rc1-r0') but it will be ins...

Openterminal Lets you select a folder in finder and opens a terminal cd'd to that folder. Interestingly, this is a free but not opensource app. This seems to be the culture around Macs - apps written specifically for Mac are less likely to be opensourced. Thanks to Jon Hendry for the link.

Installing mongrel on mac OS X with ruby 1.9.1

What. A. Pain. UPDATE: I'm now using thin instead of mongrel. When you go to do sudo gem install mongrel it will barf with some errors related to a file called http1.c Stop. Do not adjust the channel. There is nothing wrong with your computer. Somebody goofed in the source code. From instructions here , you have to make the following changes to the source. Remember to edit as root, don't run gem install mongrel again - you will overwrite your corrections. This stuff was worked out by Alan and clarified by Ami Mahloof 1) cd /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/mongrel-1.1.5/ext/http11 2) sudo vi / mate on http11.c and: replace line 77 with for(ch = RSTRING_PTR(f), end = ch + RSTRING_LEN(f); ch < end; ch++) { replace line 172 with colon = strchr(RSTRING_PTR(temp), ':'); replace line 174 with rb_hash_aset(req, global_server_name, rb_str_substr(temp, 0, colon - RSTRING_PTR(temp))); replce line 176,177 rb_str_substr(temp, colon - RSTRING_PTR(temp)+1, RSTRI...

Internet speed over HMS secure connection

Hmm... I guess they throttle downloads, but I have 5/20 service, how can I upload faster? This is the speed test without secure conection