I love VPN. It allows me to log into my work computers from home and annoy them by giving them large amounts of work to do while I sleep. Harvard Medical uses a solution from Juniper Networks, and the client app is called Network Connect.app We I went to connect, and I'm told to update and I say OK. And then I get this error message. I can't install the new version. 40 minutes later after following up several false leads, I find a JN page by copying and pasting the exact error message. It turns out that updating Java on my mac (which I guess I did at some point) changes some default password stored deep in the guts of Java from “changeit” to “changeme”. I gota few things to say about this. The PG rated ones are After looking through Juniper Network's knowledge base I have to say, the guy (or guys) in charge are pretty professional and thorough. Their website could do with a little bit better navigation though I would have expected Sun engineers to comeup with a bett...
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