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Oooo, shiny. PyScripter is awesome. From my spoilt python brat wishlist we have:
  1. Tabbed interface like Notepad++ and SciTE [CHECK]
  2. Remember session like Notepad++ [CHECK]
  3. Code context like IDLE editor [And More CHECK]
  4. Line numbers like SciTE [duh, CHECK]
  5. Adjustable tabbing and smart indent like SciTE (And not like IDLE; shudder) [OK, can't figure this out, but at least it does not mess up my existing indenting]
  6. Autocompletion like IDLE [And More CHECK]
  7. Debugger would be nice, but IPython happens to be all I need right now for that [CHECK]
  8. Folding [Ok, this seems to be missing]
In addition the little things I noticed were:
  1. Picture of bug before file name in tab, when file has a parsing error. Sweet touch


  1. PyScripter does support debugging both using the internal and a remote Python engine.

  2. don't forget you can ctrl-click any identifier or function and jump to its source. even for built-in library stuff. it makes Django coding so much less of a mystery :)


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