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Photo organizer for Mac III

Ok, I'm gonna write my own.
  1. GUI will be done in C++/QT -
    I'm familiar with coding GUIs using this combination
    C++ should give the necessary snappy response such an app needs for comfort
  2. The database will be sqlite (the database will mirror the metadata for speedy searching and organizing)
  3. The core will be built around
    libiptcdata OR
    Both libraries are self contained, but I'm leaning towards exiv2 because libiptcdata can not read/write Exiv info
Project road map:
  1. Put down on paper what the program will do and what its interface will look like
  2. Download, compile and install QT
  3. Figure out API for exiv2
  4. Write a baby program to read and write metadata using exiv2. The baby program should use a text based interface but have all the functionality of the final product
  5. Implement the full design

My new direction, instead of messing around with exiv2's C code, is to go back to the idea of building an interface around exiftool.

To start with I'll do batch operations to speed things up:
  1. The application (Chhobi) will import the picture library (batch read relevant metadata into its sqlite database)
  2. Accessing pictures will pull the data from the sqlite database
  3. Editing metadata will modify the sqlite database and set modified flags
  4. On command (or in the background, periodically) the modified metadata will be batch written to the actual images.
Now alive and kicking on github Moving this to sourceforge ( ...


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